It all started when a Nepali villager discovered that dogs actually love chewing cheese ( traditional Yak Nepali hard cheese called ’Churpi’). Today, Himalayan dog chews are the most preferred dog treat in the world because they are nutrient packed with entirely natural.
What exactly is Himalayan Dog Chew?
These are simply called the cheese bones. They are 100 percent natural and free of artificial preservative milk chew based on ancient Himalayan recipes. The milk is transformed into a low lactose cheese which is hardened for at least 3 months to reach a high density. The cheese bones are so hard that you cannot break apart with your hands.
The ancient food çhurpi has been turned into a nutrient packed dog treat. The churpi has to be adapted to the dog's digestive system by reducing the lactose content because most dogs are not able to digest high calories.
Why do many prefer this dog treat?
The Himalayan dog chew is just awesome. It is fully digestible and all natural. The chew is 52% protein. They are great for dental health. Cheese has great enzymes that help clean up the plaque on your pet’s teeth .
It really doesn’t have an odor but dogs love the scent of it and dog owners love the fact that it doesn’t make a mess and it doesn’t stain.
The Himalayan dog chew is a great treat for every dog, from the smallest Chihuahua to the largest of the breeds.
The majority of customers are very satisfied with the quality and chewing time of the cheese bone as regular dental chew only lasts for 3 to 5 minutes. It is hands down the long lasting dog chew.
Making process of Himalayan Dog Chew
Himalayan dog chew is basically the hardened cheese made from yak milk. The between process in details involves the following:
- Firstly the process to make this hard chew begins with the collection of high quality yak milk from the high Himalayan regions of Nepal. The milk has the highest nutritional value than any other milk resulting from the pollution free environment and healthy grazing.
Next step involves the ensuring of safety and uniformity of the milk and then taken to the beating process where the milk is thickened to a consistent level and then butter extraction. The consecutive heating and extraction process is done. This is usually called skimming of the milk and is a very crucial process as it removes the deep fats. Present in it. The lime juice is mixed in the process to free it from lactose so that only protein substance remains. Finally white cheese formation starts and finally it hardens naturally.
- Now that the cheese content is extracted, the next step is a continuous moisture removal process.. For a few days , the cheese is stored by wrapping them with a burlap sack and compressed. Now, they are sun dried for several days as the final drying step.
- Then comes the cleaning, cutting to the required size and shape and inspection.
After ensuring the standard quality, they are cleaned with lime and undergo the smoking, which takes almost four months. This is the traditional process of storing cheese in order to make the cheese long lasting or prevent it from decaying, the result is the cheese with a smoky smell that dogs are fond of.
- Finally, the various packaging designs and bags are produced as per the preference of our customers.

-Giving too many chews can lead to excess calories intake. It is always advised to limit according to their need.