Living as a Bhikkhu, one practices spiritual pureness. They isolate themselves from any kinds of sins and violence. People take blessings and spiritual merits from Bhikkhus as they provide various offerings to the Bhikkhus. In Buddhism, the offerings are called ‘bhiksha’ and it is believed that the receiver of Bhiksha is in debt. Since , the monks or bhikkhus are regarded as pure spiritual beings, getting blessing from them is a meritorious deed.
What is ‘SanghaDana’ ?
In the Pali literature, the word ‘Sangha’ is a meaning designated to the community of Bhikkhus or monks. The monks renounced everything and entered monastic life fully dedicated to study and practice the Buddha Dhamma to attain enlightenment. It is the responsibility of lay householders to support the Sangha by offering the material needs like food, clothes, living place, medicine and other daily needs. The monks in turn support the lay people by preaching the Dhamma and meditation to overcome sufferings and lead peaceful life.
According to the law of kamma, when lay people support the monks who are trying to walk on the path of enlightenment, they will in turn get the opportunities and support to progress on the path. Sanghadana, when practiced, brings immense punya or merits. It also purifies the mind and reduces negativity like greed, ego, fear and anxiety.
Donations to Bhikkhu Sanghas:
For the noble cause , Samyak International has been involved in donations for various Bhikkhu sangha. We regard this as the fulfillment of the most important human virtue. As we are immensely touched by their essence and for their indirect but great contribution to establish peaceful and better communities, we decided to make some donations to these sanghas. This is also part of our Corporate Social Responsibility as a business company. We are extremely happy to be able to fulfill our duties while earning some merits to ourselves.